Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hola from Escuelita!

Hola from Escuelita!
By the time children come to Escuelita, they are already experts on their own home and family. They know the daily rituals and routines. They have figured out where things go, when to do things, and how far they can push the boundaries. Mom and Dad are as reliable as the setting sun. Preschool is the first regular foray into the larger world and our first goal in Escuelita is for children to develop the same kind of trust and comfort as they have at home. During our first week together, we spent our time becoming accustomed to the new rhythms of school, getting to know each other and beginning friendships, exploring the classroom and outdoor environments, learning where things go, singing, creating, and engaging in lots of play! By the end of the week, we hit a groove, and everyone was having fun. We are so happy to have your child in Escuelita, and look forward to learning and growing together throughout the year.

Look for weekly curriculum updates from Escuelita! I've attached a few pictures here, and soon we will have our picture sharing site up for you to enjoy.

Have a great weekend!

Teacher Sonja

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