Sunday, January 11, 2015

Winter Wondering

We have so many questions about Winter! We use our senses and make observations, gathering information to answer our questions. What do you notice about the Winter sky? What colors do you see? Can you see the sun, or is it hidden in the clouds? Why are clouds sometimes white, and sometimes grey? Is it going to rain? Will it snow? What temperature is the air? Is the air warm or cold on your skin? Notice the trees. Where are the leaves? What do birds and animals do in the Winter? How do they stay warm? How do people stay warm? 

Winter has its own color palette! Students painted a sky of blue, white, and grey. Taking notice of the bare tree branches against the sky, students use charcoal to draw the vertical lines of tree trunks and outstretched branches in a Winter mural.

Students create a snowy Winter forest using sticks collected on our nature walk, and pressing them into the foam. Crumbling the foam over the landscape sent snowflakes swirling gently to the ground. 

This week in science we observed so many changes from the last time we were at school. We noticed that the sky is a different color each morning. We noticed the clouds and the fog. We heard the birds chirp and the wind move. We noticed all of the leaves on the ground and in our garden beds. We raked up so many leaves and picked some out of our garden. We harvested some lettuce and cauliflower. We checked on on our mushroom experiment and realized that the bag of mushrooms turned from dark brown to white!      

"I am painting the sky!"


"Our plant is growing."

Nature Hike:
In search of twigs and branches!!

Students observations:
"I've seen a bird that walks."
"I have seen a blue bird."
"It's cold outside, we should wear jackets."
"The water in our water table turned into ice because it was freezing." 
"Birds live in nests."
"The sky is grey today."
"The clouds are covering the sun."

"These sticks are small."
"My stick is to big for the basket."
"I will take these giant sticks to my house and add them to my stick collection."
"Birds use sticks to make their nests."
"Help me move this giant stick!"

Fun book that we are reading:

-Teacher Sonja and Teacher Can

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